Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pulled Pork and Leftovers

The end of the week found tired out Roger and Kate. We ended up eating leftovers and bringing home a pizza (from Cogan's with spicy red sauce, yum!) after the opera. Yesterday, I cooked a 5 pound pork butt in the crock pot with a little chicken broth all afternoon. When it was done cooking, I drained the meat, shredded it with forks and added barbecue sauce and a little of the broth and cooked it for about 30 minutes. Roger had been at Pete and Jennie's learning how to home brew beer. I brought the meat and a dip over and Jennie and I put together a tasty little supper. The meat was delicious. I had mine on a roll with some Tobasco sauce. Roger and Ian had Inferno sauce, which was HOT!!! The chips and dip and salad were all good, too. For dessert, Jennie had a plate of dark chocolate (organic) and some Moro blood oranges and some blackberries...all quite good. A few beers for the boys (one for me) and Roger and Jack played a little Rock Band 2. It was a good evening. The food was tasty.